Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Original post by Emma R

Hello Everyone
Here is a video that Emma has created for Youtube it explains how to use the beebots. You can also find the video on her school youtube channel, WolfyGirlYeah.

Here is the video:

Meccanoid Robot

Original post by Paris

Hi everyone! My name is Paris and my friend Lily and I are making a robot a called Meccanoid. We have fixed the mistakes that someone did on the other robot already. That was a 2 foot tall robot but now we are starting again but this time with a 4 foot one. It's almost as tall as a lot of the kids in the class. We also have other people that are helping us along the way if someone is sick or anything like that. Their names are Stella and Ricardo. So thank you to those guys and I hope you keep helping us if we need it! It is really fun to make this robot and even as I'm typing Lily is building the robot. We are so thank full to Mrs Hughes for making this room and getting the robots. It's a really good experience for us and we really like doing it. Well anyway, here's a picture of us building the robot now!

The Ceiling

Original post written by Phoneix

Here are some pics of the ceiling!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Ceiling Tiles

Original post by Samantha

Last week the roofing tiles were painted red, orange, green, blue and yellow and they look amazing soon the Creator Ops STEAM room will be finished and ready for everyone to enjoy I'm sorry I don't have a picture to show you but hopefully I will soon. Keep reading the Creator Ops STEAM Blog for more updates. This is Samantha signing out.

Our Makerspace Journey

This blog is a replica or copy of the one created by the students and myself at Hunua School beginning in Term 3 of 2015 as part of my studi...